100% Made in the USA

Ask us about our military grade panels and ceiling tiles  Rated at 100dB at 40Ghz, none better on the planet!


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Due to the fact I was somewhat familiar with Tru-Protect products after having experienced the quietness and 30% energy savings by having it installed on a previous home, as well as using it to insulate my cheap garage doors to stop the heat loss in winter & opposite effect in summer & being very happy with the result of both I guess I should not have been surprised at the newest results.

We own an R.V. park in Wolfforth,Tx., after needing more laundry facilities we insulated, sheet rocked, wired, heated & cooled a storage building to be used as a new laundry. In order to help with the heating & cooling of the minimal  construction we decided to use Tru-Protect to insulate walls & ceiling, glad we did.

On 12/15 one of our brilliant renters first tried to start every washer & dryer in the building at the same time, but also overloaded all of them. In order to not have to spend an extra quarter or move some of the clothes after every breaker in the building blew, he stood & continued to flip the breakers off & on, trying to force the units to run. That is until the electrical plug next to him blew out & went up in smoke, but the wiring to 7 more washers & eight dryers started smoking & flames came out of the wall. At this point he ran from the building, tried to get some help, reported the fire to our maintenance man & left the premises, great guy!

Our guys found the electrical outlets melted, burned completely black, all the wiring to these plugs melted to the copper, wall plug melted & run down the wall & the sheetrock smoldering. Taking a hammer, busting out the walling you could see it flame up, burn the walling, wiring, & electrical boxes, but one thing kept it all from bursting into flames & burning the complete building down. As the flames would grow, the fire would come in contact with the Tru-Protect, at that time it would smolder, melt & fizzle, start smoking & go out.

After these results we got things under control, but had to experiment, we could set fire to the wire , box, sheetrock, etc. with a match, but upon contact with this product the fire went out.

Anyone who knows me knows I never brag on anyone or anything, but this product saved us months of work, thousands of dollars, unhappy customers, and fear of another crisis due to stupidity. We have rewired the laundry, replaced the outlets and breakers, and other than cosmetics are back in operation as of 12/19.

Thanks to the McDonalds and their help and thanks for Tru-Protect, we believe!

Kent Powers

RV Park Owner

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We received TruProtect insulation back in April, right before the dead of hot, humid summer in the Mojave desert. We were able to get it installed and what a difference it made in the inside temperature of our home. We spent the whole summer in a pleasantly cool environment, where in the past it had been unbearable. I highly recommend this product. It’s been a life saver for our family.


Melissa L.

Mojave Desert California

RF/EMF Protection for Apartment Dwellers

After researching the harmful biological effects of radiofrequency radiation from the emission of wireless technology, we sought out the protection of TruProtect panels from owners Mike and Tricia McDonald.

Currently, we live in a 2 bedroom/1 bath 850 square foot apartment, with neighbors above and beside us, who may potentially have Wi-Fi. We desired to shield our 2 bedrooms from RF and EMF radiation, and muffle some of the upstairs noise. In addition to potential Wi-Fi above and beside us, we have 4 air-conditioning units and a bank of smart meters outside our bedroom windows.

We received our boxes of TruProtect from Mike and Tricia, along with taping supplies and detailed instructions for installation. In both bedrooms we have installed half-inch TruProtect panels on the ceilings and quarter-inch panels on 2 of the 4 walls.

Before installing TruProtect, we measured the amount of radiation exposure with an RF meter. Our bedroom read 44,800 μW/m2 (microWatts per square meter). After installation, our bedroom now reads 73 μW/m2. To reduce this exposure further, we could install panels on the remaining 2 walls, and find a shielding fabric for our window. We are so thankful that TruProtect is protecting us in our sleeping spaces from the harmful biological effects of RF and EMF radiation.

Mike and Tricia McDonald have created a high-quality product that is naturally Green, has zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and is easy to install. As an apartment dweller, we will cover the silver panels with a draped fabric on the walls and ceiling, for easy removal when we move. If we were in a more permanent space, we could easily cover with a quarter-inch drywall, texture and paint.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with the McDonalds. They are very knowledgeable about their product, and advising on installation via email, text and phone. They have made the process of installation very user-friendly. Our family has a deeper peace of mind when resting at night, and a deeper sleep. We give a high recommendation for TruProtect.

Thank you, Mike and Tricia, for your great product. You and TruProtect are a great blessing to our family.

Reagan and Natasha

Apartment Dwellers, Texas