100% Made in the USA

Ask us about our military grade panels and ceiling tiles  Rated at 100dB at 40Ghz, none better on the planet!


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  • Ceiling tiles are available for residential, commercial, government and military grades. Our TruProtect ceiling tiles are impact resistance for long life (FRP), easy to clean, offer huge energy savings from 25% to 60% depending on scope of job.

  • Residential & Commercial – Easy to clean with damp cloth,  huge energy savings from 25% to 60%, easy to install, offer various degrees of RF/EMI/EMR blocking (to help eliminate disruptive waves coming from computers, smart TV, Smart phones). Offers various amounts of sound blocking.
  • Military & government for SCIF jobs. Blocking up to 99.9999 percent of RF/ EMI/EMR INFRARED and Eavesdropping when used correctly, energy savings, easy clean (FRP).
  • When correctly installed, TruProtect offers radiant barrier/insulation/sound proofing along with EMI/EMR/EMP shielding. Blocks the transmission of RF signals, even between floors.

  • Hospitals and Offices no longer get false readings on monitoring equipment because the equipment no longer picks up stray signals from other floors.

  • Available Ceiling Tile sizes: ½’, 1’  x 2’ x 2’, 2’ x 4’ are standard.  2’ x 5’  are custom sizes and additional charges apply. Ceiling tile clips for ½” tiles. Ceiling tile tape( must apply to any cut edge for factory warranty *2” tape * 2”, 3”  electrically conductive tape.